Leiblein, M., & Reuer, J. 2020. Foundations and futures of strategic management. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 1-33.
- Drnevich, P., Mahoney, J., & Schendel, D. 2020. Has strategic management research lost its way? Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 35-73.
- Bettis, R., & Blettner, D. 2020. Strategic reality today: Extraordinary past success, but difficult challenges loom. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 75-101.
- Teece, D. 2020. Fundamental issues in strategy: Time to reassess? Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 103-144.
- Wernerfelt, B. 2020. A possible micro-foundation for the RBV and its implications. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 145-158.
- Magliolo, J., Madsen, T., & Walker, G. 2020. Growing and shrinking. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 159-178.
- Feldman, E. 2020. Corporate strategy: Past, present, and future. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 179-206
- Bercovitz, J., & Chesbrough, H. 2020. Hopping tables: An introduction to the SMR special issue on open innovation. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 207-222.
- Felin, T., & Zenger, T. 2020. Open innovation: A theory-based view. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 223-232.
- Teece, D. 2020. Hand in glove: Open innovation and the dynamic capabilities framework. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 233-253.
- Laursen, K., & Salter, A. 2020. Who captures value from open innovation - the firm or its employees? Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 255-276.
- Chesbrough, H., & Tucci, C. 2020. The interplay between open innovation and lean startup, or, why large companies are not large versions of startups. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 277-303.
- Shah, S., & Nagle, F. 2020. Why do user communities matter for strategy? Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 305-353.
- Vasudeva, G., Leiponen, A., & Jones, S. 2020. Dear enemy: The dynamics of conflict and cooperation in open innovation ecosystems. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 355-379.
- Chaudhuri, S., Leiblein, M., & Reuer, J. 2021. Prioritizing research in strategic management: Insights from practitioners and academics. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 1-28.
- Lieberman, M. 2021. Is competitive advantage intellectually sustainable? Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 29-46.
- Collis, D., & Anand, B. 2021. The virtues and limitations of dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 47-78.
- Bylund, P. 2021. The firm vs. the market: Dehomogenizing the transaction cost theories of Coase and Williamson. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 79-118.
- Steinberger, T., & Wiersema, M. 2021. Data models as organizational design: Coordinating beyond boundaries using artificial intelligence. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 119-144.
- Buckley, P. 2021. Fundamental issues in strategy: A comment. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 145-156.
- Teece, D. 2021. Response to Peter Buckley's comment on "Fundamental Issues in Strategy." Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 157-162.
Perspective from Practice:
- Bamford, J., & Jenkins, B. 2021. Joint ventures: The next frontiers of analysis. Strategic Management Review, 2(1): 163-177.
- Harrigan, K. 2021. Retrospective on corporate renewal. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 179-191.
- Feldman, E., & Sakhartov, A. 2021. Prospective on corporate renewal. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 193-204.
- Berry, H., & Kaul, A. 2021. Corporate renewal across businesses and countries. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 205-233.
- Corredor, S., & Mahoney, J. 2021. Multi-business firms' corporate renewal decisions: Divestiture governance mode choice of corporate spin-offs and equity carve-outs. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 235-280.
- Nary, P. 2021. Focused renewal: Reflections on Berry and Kaul, and Corredor and Mahoney. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 281-283.
- Furr, N., & Eggers, JP. 2021. Behavioral innovation and corporate renewal. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 285-322.
- Miller, D. 2021. Corporate renewal through internal innovation: The four R's of corporate bricolage. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 323-354.
- Wang, D. 2021. Toward a unified theory of internal innovation and strategic renewal: Comment on Furr and Eggers, and Miller. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 355-361.
- Harrigan, K., & Wing, B. 2021. Corporate renewal and turnaround of troubled businesses: The private equity advantage. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 363-390.
- Sohl, T., & Folta, T. 2021. Declining markets, resource specificity, and redeployment decisions. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 391-412.
- Vidal, E. 2021. Divestitures, value creation, and corporate scope. Strategic Management Review, 2(2): 413-435.
- Ehrig, T., & Foss, N. 2022. Unknown unknowns and the treatment of firm-level adaptation in strategic management research. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 1-24.
- McGahan, A. 2022. The state of the union in the field of strategic management: Great theories, imperative problems. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 25-34.
- Bosse, D., Harrison, J., & Hoskisson, R. 2022. Acquisitions, stakeholder economies of scope, and stakeholder orientation. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 35-65.
- Bresser, R., & Balkin, D. 2022. Restoring a taste for science: Enhancing strategic management knowledge by changing the governance of academic journals. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 67-97.
- Bromiley, P., & Rau, D. 2022. Extending the behavioral theory of the firm to entrepreneurial firms. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 99-123.
- Mintzberg, H. 2022. An underlying theory for strategy, organization, and management: Bridging the divide between analysis and synthesis. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 125-144.
Perspective from Practice:
- Gorman, J., & Harrigan, K. 2022. Principles of strategy: A practice-based view. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 145-156.
- Reeves, M., & Whitaker, J. 2022. Innovating management innovation. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 157-167.
- Pandza, K., Whittington, R., & Hautz, J. 2022. In praise of fractionated trading zones: Respectful partnerships in management innovation. Strategic Management Review, 3(1): 169-185.
- Hoopes, D., Madsen, T., & Teece, D. 2022. Introduction to the special issue honoring Richard Rumelt: The foundations for understanding fundamental issues in strategy. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 187-199.
- Knott, A. 2022. Strategy as a detour on the way to Mars. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 201-208.
- Harrigan, K. 2022. Issues revisited from Rumelt's (1974) "Strategy, structure and economic performance." Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 209-234.
- Hoopes, D. & Madsen, T. 2022. A dynamic theory of the strategic firm. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 235-264.
- Teece, D. 2022. Strategy dynamics and the theory of the firm: Homage to Richard Rumelt. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 265-294.
- Wang, H. & Coff, R. 2022. On the matter of how much industry matters. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 295-323.
- Helfat, C. 2022. Strategic transformation and the problem of inertia. Strategic Management Review, 3(2): 325-337.
- Barney, J., Mackey, T., & Mackey, A. 2023. Why has it been so hard to define competitive advantage? Strategic Management Review, 4(1): 1-13.
- Lieberman, M. 2023. Moving beyond competitive advantage: A rejoinder to Barney et al. Strategic Management Review, 4(1): 15-21.
- Poppo, L., & Schloemer, H. 2023. Problem solving through the lenses of identity, identification, and work groups: A socio-cognitive theory of the firm. Strategic Management Review, 4(1): 23-73.
- McCann, B, & Schwab, A. 2023. Bayesian analysis in strategic management research: Time to update your priors. Strategic Management Review, 4(1): 75-106.
Perspective from Practice:
- Hamel, G., & Birkinshaw, J. 2023. Searching for significance: The case for reimagining management research. Strategic Management Review, 4(1): 107-126.
- Camuffo, A., Gambardella, A., & Pignataro, A. 2023. Framing strategic decisions in a digital world. Strategic Management Review, 4(2): 127-160.
- Kuan, J., & Lee, G. 2023. Governance strategy for digital platforms: Differentiation through information privacy. Strategic Management Review, 4(2): 161-191.
- Tallman, S., Shenkar, O., & Wu, J. 2023. 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast': Use and abuse of culture in international strategy research. Strategic Management Review, 4(2): 193-229.
- Harrigan, K. 2023. Endgame in the internet era. Strategic Management Review, 4(2): 231-260.
- Buckley, P., & de la Torre, J. 2024. Introduction to the special issue: Edith Penrose and The Theory of the Growth of the Firm - The next sixty years. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 3-26.
- Penrose, A. 2024. Edith Penrose's approach to economic problems as reflected in The Theory of the Growth of the Firm: A humanistic perspective. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 27-50.
- Pattit, J., Pattit, K., & Spender, J.-C. 2024. Edith T. Penrose: Economist of the 'Ordinary Business of Life.' Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 51-74.
- Mudambi, R., & Swift, T. 2024. Agency theory and slack resources: A Penrosean analysis of innovation strategy. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 75-90.
- Pitelis, C. 2024. Why unicorns exist? On Penrose, Hymer, and prediction. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 91-112.
- Buckley, P. 2024. Edith Penrose and the theory of the multinational enterprise (MNE). Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 113-124.
- Han, N., & Tong, T. 2024. Linking together Penrose's two streams of intellectual contributions: The use and protection of knowledge resources within and across firms and countries. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 125-147.
- Gomes-Casseres, B. 2024. Penrose in the new economy. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 149-171.
- Kor, Y., Mahoney, J., & Tan, D. 2024. Edith Penrose's under-explored insights in strategic management and international business research. Strategic Management Review, 5(1-2): 173-202.
- Lavie, D. 2024. Theoretical foundation for the study of competition networks and their performance implications. Strategic Management Review, 5(3): 203-239.
- Pedersen, C., Ritter, T., & Andersen, T. 2024. A project-based perspective on strategic renewal. Strategic Management Review, 5(3): 241-271.
- Cummings, T., & Nickerson, J. 2024. A protocol mechanism for solving the "right" strategic problem. Strategic Management Review, 5(3): 273-312.
Perspective from Practice:
- Coyne, W., & Van de Ven, A. 2024. Increasing the odds of maneuvering the innovation journey. Strategic Management Review, 5(3): 313-339.
- Dagnino, G., & Ritala, P. Coopetition strategy: Big questions and promising answers. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Chiambaretto, P., Fernandez, A.-S., & Le Roy, F. What coopetition is and what it is not: Defining the "hard core" and the "protective belt" of coopetition. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Asgari, N., & Mitchell, W. Value chain configuration and coopetition. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Ranganathan, R., & Chen, J. The antecedents and consequences of multi-firm technology coordination: An ecosystem perspective. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Bengtsson, M., & Raza-Ullah, T. Paradoxical tensions at multiple levels and top management team cross-level bridging in coopetition: A conceptual model. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Mina, A., & Dagnino, G. Coopetition reloaded: Looking back to strategic management research for moving coopetition inquiry forward. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Ryan-Charleton, T., & Gnyawali, D. Value creation tension in coopetition: Virtuous cycles and vicious cycles. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Lang, T. Being and becoming: Reconciling the temporal mismatch between organizational identity and strategy by providing identity with a future. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Bhardwaj, A., Mahoney, J., & Nickerson, J. Problem formulation for theorizing at the frontier: An Oliver Williamson inspired approach. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Lee, G. Surprises, conflicting findings, or questionable research practices? A methodology for evaluating cumulative empirical analyses and replication studies. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Salas-Fumas, V. Directors as trustees: The Nash axiomatic approach to multi-stakeholder governance. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
Perspective from Practice:
- Day, G. Diagnosing the market-driven approach to innovation: Learning from practice. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Argyres, N., Lumineau, F., & Zanarone, G. Strategic management meets the economics of relational contracts. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Bei, X., & Mitchell, W. Labor market frictions and firms’ build-borrow-buy choices. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Burgelman, R., & Chanda, S. Autonomous strategic behavior, organizational learning and top management support: Re-examining field research with computational modeling. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- de la Torre, J., & Martinez, J. The international expansion of large family firms: Insights from six case histories. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- El-Zayaty, A., & Ganco, M. On the waves of change: The burden of knowledge and strategic human capital. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Gartenberg, C. Corporate purpose and firm strategy. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Grimbert, S., Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, J., & Vonortas, N. An attention-augmented real options approach to public R&D investments. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Harrigan, K. Rise of the new conglomerates. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Holgersson, M., Wallin, M., Chesbrough, H., & Dahlander, L. Closing open innovation. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Holmes, R., & Nickerson, J. A crisis of jealousy and despair: A theory of rising political polarization and why managers and business schools should care about it. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Holmes, T., & Westgren, R. Modeling microfoundations for organizational strategy. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Irwin, K., Armstrong, C., Drnevich, P., & Schijven, M. The motives for mergers and acquisitions and their implications for research and practice.
Strategic Management Review, forthcoming. Online supplement
- Natividad, G. Econometrics of strategy: A review. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Parkhe, A. Epistemology of bridging the theory-practice gap in strategic mangagement. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Phadnis, S., & Schoemaker, P. Strategic agility in supply chains: A conceptual research review. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Sakhartov, A., & Reuer, J. Is synergy a barrier to business exit? Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Schijven, M., Heimeriks, K., Graebner, M., Haspeslagh, P., & Mitchell, W. Thirty-three years after "Managing Acquisitions": Reflections, insights, and research directions. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Schilke, O., Evans, P., & Aguiar, M. The modular architecture of organizational trust in the digital age. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Schoemaker, P. The need for kaleidoscopic views in strategic management. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Schoemaker, P. Integrating diverse perspectives in strategy studies. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.
- Dialogue
- Ilseven, E., Ghosh, S., Kinger-Hans, L., Pape, N., Vo, H-M., Zhao-Ding, A., Helfat, C. E., Levinthal, D. A., Szulanski, G., & Teece, D. J. Exploring the minds of visionary scholars: Evolution in strategy and strategy in evolution. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.